=== Compare Survey Stats === ==== Objective ==== The '''Compare Surveys''' function compares the Number of Elements and the Percent of Elements by rock art class for the surveys selected. You may optionally remove one or more rock are classes from the analysis. ==== Processing ==== The first page displays a list of surveys on the database. Select one or more surveys by clicking on the corresponding check boxes or none to select all surveys. <> <> <> Hyperlinks include: Area (see ShowMaps). To continue, click the ''Submit'' button. <> The second page has two sections. The top section displays a table with the total number of elements by rock art class. You may optionally remove one or more rock art classes from the reports by checking the corresponding check box. To recalculate, click the ''Submit'' button. <> <> The bottom section displays the Number of Elements and the Percent of Elements by Rock Art Class for the surveys selected. A graphic representation of the percentage table follows the tabular report. <> ==== Buttons ==== * ''Submit:'' accepts the request and takes the application to the next page or updates the reports and redisplays the page. * ''Reset:'' resets the page to the last values displayed by your browser. * ''Change Survey:'' takes you to the first page displaying a list of surveys. * ''Menu:'' takes you to the Main Menu.