Create Survey Report


Survey Reports are created within the DigitalRockArt wiki. While the reports may be as detailed as the authors wish, it is expected that most will be brief when compared to published paper reports because of the detailed reports available through use of the DigitalRockArt application or Rock Art Inventory DVD.


The starting point is the DigitalRockArt Status Report. Recorders authorized to update a survey will see a create hyperlink next to the Reference Number if the survey report does not exist.

In many cases, the administrator will create a starter survey report for recorders. Once the initial survey report is created, recorders may access their report via the Survey Reports function on the main DigitalRockArt menu.

When the Create hyperlink is clicked, a popup window will open offering to create the wiki page for your survey report. The wiki page name for your site report is generated by the computer program. You will never have a need to use the name directly so you do not need to memorize the name.

It is best to start a new survey report by using the Survey Report Template hyperlink. Click on the hyperlink to fill the starting page with the text from the template.

A skeleton of a new site report will appear in a large edit window. Follow the instructions and hints within the text area to create your own site report. Use the Preview and Check Spelling tabs to check your editing progress. Click the Save Changes tab when you are ready to save. When making large changes, save the page often or click the Check Spelling or Preview buttons to save a draft copy of your page.

Learning to use the wiki editing tools is a separate tutorial. If you are unsure how to proceed, click on the HelpOnEditing, HelpOnMoinWikiSyntax, or HelpOnDraMacroSyntax hyperlinks for more information.

Once the site report is created, you may update it via the Survey Report link on the main DigitalRockArt menu. The list of survey reports available to your logon ID may also be found at the bottom of the wiki FrontPage. Most wiki pages, including site reports, may be updated by other users. Other recording team members and land managers may assist in creating the site report.

CreateSurveyReport (last edited 2011-12-30 04:26:48 by RogerHaase)