Image Preferences


The Image Preferences function gives the user the ability to specify their internet connection speed, image quality and image sizes that best fit their monitor size and personal preferences. There are caption options for downloading or printing images. When formatting web pages for printing, the pixel width of the user's monitor may be overridden to create narrow pages that fit on a printer.

Processing Connection Type and Display Settings

In the Connection drop down list, find and select your type of connection to the internet -- choices are Dialup, ISDN, DSL and Cable. Click the Recommended Settings button at the bottom of the page. The other 9 image preference options will be updated (but not saved!) to reflect the recommended settings for your monitor size and internet connection. Adjust any of the recommended settings to suit your personal preferences.

"Image quality"
Image quality is an indicator of the quality or clarity of the image display. The higher the number, the greater the quality or clarity, and the larger the image file size. Larger file sizes will result in slower response times.

"Maximum Images per page"
The maximum images per page sets the maximum number of images that will be displayed on each page for reporting functions. Reports with multiple pages will contain hyperlinks for "Prior", "Next" and a list of page numbers at the bottom of each page.

"Limit size of cropped elements to"
The limit size of cropped elements sets the maximum resolution size for display of cropped elements.

"Double size of cropped elements up to"
The double size of cropped elements applies only to cropped elements that have low resolution. Elements with low resolution will be increased in size, but will appear as slightly out of focus or fuzzy. The default value of 0 value means low resolution elements are not to be increased in size.

"Jumbo images"
Jumbo images sets the size of image that will display when you click on an image for a full screen display.

"Large images"
Large images sets the size of image that will display in the Identify Elements, Check Survey Data and Annotate Images recording functions.

"Medium images"
Medium images sets the size of the image in the Categorize Images recording function.

"Small images"
Small images sets the image size most frequently used by all functions.

"Tiny images"
Tiny images sets the image size for the Renumber Panels or Elements recording function and the Survey Recap reporting function.

To continue, click the Submit button to save the settings and return to the main menu.

Processing Jumbo image caption preferences

Jumbo images may be formatted for downloading and printing with selected caption options. This feature is useful only when you intend to save the image to your PC hard drive for printing later at a photo shop. The selected captions will appear on the bottom or right side of an image.

When image Captions "On" is selected, a caption area is created on the edge of jumbo images that will contain the site name, site number, cluster number/panel letter or image category and the survey date. Additionally, a metric scale will be included if a measured length was entered during recording. An orientation arrow in the caption area indicates the up direction.

"Photo Size"
Photo size selects the size or aspect ratio of the photo to be printed. For very high quality prints the jumbo image size should be adjusted to achieve 200-300 pixels per inch. For 8x10 prints, the jumbo image size should be 2,000 to 3,000.

"Show Comments"
If Captions has been turned on, selecting Show Comments will add the image comments to the caption area. Not all images will have comments.

"Show Facings"
If Captions has been turned on, selecting Show Facings will add the panel facing and inclination measurements to the captions.

"Show EXIF Data"
Exchangeable Image Format (EXIF) data is camera setting and scene information saved within the image file. Examples of stored information are camera model, date and time, shutter speed, focal length, exposure compensation, metering pattern and if a flash was used. The Show EXIF Data option will not change the image but will display the Exchangeable Image Format (EXIF) data on the page below the image.

To continue, click the "Submit" button to activate the new settings. Changes are used for the current session and are not saved when you logoff.

Processing Limit Pixel width of page for better printing.

The pixel width of the user's monitor is used to format web pages for printing. If your monitor is large, attempts to print a web page will result in the right side of the printed page being truncated by your printer. The pixel width of the user's monitor that is used to format web pages may be overridden with a width more suitable for printing.

Setting the limit pixel width value to a lower number will create pages with fewer columns and more rows. From the Limit Pixel width drop down, try 700 or 800 for printing in portrait mode and 1024 or 1152 for printing in landscape mode.

Clicking the Recommended Settings button after selecting a pixel width will calculate image sizes recommended for monitors of the selected width.

To continue, click the "Submit" button to activate the new setting. Changes are used for the current session and are not saved when you logoff.


ImagePreferences (last edited 2008-10-18 23:47:16 by RogerHaase)