JPG File Upload


The JPG File Upload function enables the user to upload new or replacement images directly into a survey. Individual JPG files are uploaded one at a time. If you have many images, it may be more convenient to mail a CD-ROM to the administrator.


The first page displays a list of the surveys that you are authorized to update.

Hyperlinks include: Area (see ShowMaps).

To continue, select a survey by clicking on the Ref Nbr of a survey.

The second page gives you the option to either Enter the full file name including path..., or click the Browse... button to view a file dialog to find the file to upload.

After you have entered or found the file you want to upload, you may optionally rename the file by entering a new file name in Optional rename file field. Valid file names contain only the characters a to z, A to Z, 0 to 9, hyphen, underscore and period.

If you want to replace an existing image, click the Overwrite an existing file box. If you overwrite an existing image, any annotations on the image will be deleted but elements will be requeued so that you may adjust the element cropped area. None of the element attributes will be changed.

Before overwriting a file with a replacement image, it may be helpful to print out a copy of the elements presently defined on the panel. One way to do this is with the Survey Recap function. It will be much easier to adjust the element cropping by using the hard copy of the old image as a guide.

The bottom of the page has a list of all the current image files for the survey.


JpgFileUpload (last edited 2011-11-10 12:22:04 by RogerHaase)