== Recording Functions == The recording functions are available to members with a user ID belonging to the ''recorder'' group. The first three functions, Categorize Images, Identify Rock Art Elements, and Define Rock Art Element Attributes must be completed in sequence for new surveys. Use of the remaining functions are optional, but most recorders will make use of them to improve the quality and accuracy of their survey. * [[CategorizeImages]] assigns each image in a survey to an Image Category or type such as rock art, pottery, etc. and groups rock art images by panel. * [[IdentifyRockArtElements]] identifies rock art elements on the images. * [[DefineRockArtElementAttributes]] assigns General Attributes and Class Specific Attributes to each element. In Addition, the element's cropping, patina selection, element size, Rock Art Class or comments related to the element may be changed. * [[CheckSurveyData]] requeues or deletes images and adds, changes, or deletes recording entries. * [[CheckAttributeSet]] sorts and displays all elements or panel images and the selected attribute set. Attributes may be updated. * [[CustomizeTopoCharts]] customizes the topo charts created by the Digital``Rock``Art application. * [[ConvertUTMs|Convert UTM to Distance-Bearing]] provides an easy way to convert UTMs to the distance bearing measurements used by !DigitalRockArt. * [[AnnotateImages]] place cluster numbers, panel numbers or plain text on top of the images. Cluster and panel numbers create hyper-links to open new windows displaying cluster or panel detail. * [[RenumberPanelsOrElements]] renumbers clusters, revises panel letters, renumbers elements and renames image files. * [[JpgFileUpload]] uploads new or replacement images. * [[CheckElementPixels]] creates six reports to aid photographers. Verifies that each rock art element has been captured in sufficient detail. * [[UpdateElementsFromNotebook]] updates rock art elements using a notebook as the list of elements to be processed.