Linux on Meerkat

Plan is to wipe Meerkat clean and install multiple Linux distributions, making each partition 250GB. Digitalrockart pix folder is 26GB.

Meerkat Hardware

Boot sequence is CD, hard drive.

Linux Mint 17.1 Rebecca (Mate 32 bit - Gnome2 version)

Created 250GB and 20GB swap partitions.

After first boot, screen shows garbage after trying to access software manager. Rebooted and changed video driver to Nvidia-304; was xserver-xorg-video-nouveau.

Running stable, upgraded many packages, installed w3af - find and exploit web application vulnerabilities. w3af does not start??? Googled, found 'w3af: Does not start : " pybloomfiltermmap is a required dependency'; installed it, still nothing happens after clicking app.

Ubuntu 18.04 LTS 2018-09-04

Installed on whole drive, overwriting Linux Mint Mate. Install ran less than an hour, after clicking restart after install and trying to remove CD, got a bunch of errors message about can read file. Hit reset and booted OK.

Installed python, got 2.7.15rc1. Installed git, got 2.17.1

Cloned moin, quickinstall failed for lack of virtualenv. Did sudo apt install virtualenv, repeat failed.

Did sudo apt install python-pip, got lots of stuff installed. Did pip install virtualenv (wonder what the first attempt did).

python worked.

RogerHaase/LinuxOnMeerkat (last edited 2018-09-04 21:58:22 by RogerHaase)