= Pypi Packaging = == Tutorial == https://packaging.python.org/tutorials/packaging-projects/ == different and probably obsolete == * missing pyproject.toml * could that could be used to build local docs? * READE.rst instead of README.md * tests directory is lower in structure * setup.cfg missing metadata * no mention of release tag moin-2.0.0a8 Be sure that any uncommitted changes are stashed. See issue 1473. On activated venv, update setuptools and twine. {{{ pip install --upgrade setuptools wheel pip install --upgrade twine pip install --upgrade build }}} Switch to a release branch, make it current, generate a release tag on release branch {{{ git tag 2.0.0a8 }}} Build the distribution and upload to test.pypi.org. Was able to skip the token stuff under https://packaging.python.org/tutorials/packaging-projects/#uploading-the-distribution-archives {{{ py -m build # copy /translations/*/LX_MESSAGES/translations.mo files py -m twine upload --repository testpypi dist/* }}} == Test Distribution == Create a new venv, install moin, create instance, start server, create item, modify item. {{{ -m venv cd source bin/activate # scripts\activate pip install --upgrade pip # next command fails with pip 9.0.1 and maybe later versions pip install --pre --index-url https://test.pypi.org/simple --extra-index-url https://pypi.org/simple moin moin create-instance --path * path optional, defaults to CWD cd # skip if using default CWD moin index-create moin help # prove it works moin --help # prove it works moin run # empty wiki moin load-sample # data but no index moin index-build # data with index }}}