=== Search for Element Comments === ==== Objective ==== The '''Search for Element Comments''' function searches, in all selected surveys, the Comment or historical text field, for element comments that match the search text. It is particularly useful when searching for initials, names or dates in historical elements or graffiti. ==== Processing ==== On the first page you may enter a string of characters in the ''Enter search text or blank for all'' box to search for all elements that have data in the comments field. It should be noted the search is not case sensitive. ''Select one or more rock art classes...'' by clicking on the corresponding check boxes or none to select all the rock art classes. <> To continue, click the ''Submit'' button. If no matches were found, a message will be displayed and you may enter different selection criteria. <> The second page displays a list of all the surveys that have elements with comments matching the selection criteria. You may select any number of surveys by clicking the survey's corresponding check box or none to select all the surveys. <> <> Hyperlinks include: Area (see ShowMaps). To continue, click the ''Submit'' button. <> The third page displays cropped elements that match the selection criteria. Elements are displayed in site, cluster, panel and element number sequence. <> Hyperlinks include: Element ID, Cluster, Panel, Element (see ElementCaptions), Prior, page number, Next (see PageNumbers). ==== Buttons ==== * ''Submit:'' accepts the request and takes the application to the next page. * ''Reset:'' resets the page to the last values displayed by your browser. * ''Change Class:'' takes you to the first page displaying the rock art classes. * ''Change Survey:'' takes you to the second page displaying a list of surveys. * ''Menu:'' takes you to the Main Menu.