Show Topo Popup


The Show Topo Popup sub-function displays a topo chart that highlights the location of clusters with elements matching the search criteria.

Entry Point

The Search By Attributes and Search For Element Coincidence functions display reports that have a Show Topo button at the bottom of the page.


Clicking on the Show Topo button will open a popup window. If multiple surveys have been selected, the top of the page will list the surveys. Selected surveys that do not have topo data recorded are indicated by an asterisk. The first survey with topo data is selected for display by default. Click any survey name hyperlink to view the matching topo chart.

Next the selected survey number and name will be displayed with the selection criteria.

On the topo chart the location of the clusters with matching elements appear in red and enclosed with "=" characters. The functionality of the chart is similar to the Show Topo function. All the cluster numbers are hyperlinks that open popup windows to display additional cluster information.

ShowTopoPopup (last edited 2008-07-23 20:03:50 by RogerHaase)