Site Name Privileges


The Site Name Privileges function displays lists of users who are authorized to view site names and site numbers. The function also allows land managers to authorize additional users to view the site names and numbers or to remove users from this privileged list.

This function is restricted to users who are land managers and DigitalRockArt administrators.


The first page of the Site Name Privileges displays three reports. The first report shows all users who have access to site names and numbers:

The second report shows all users that currently have had viewing privileges assigned to their IDs by the land manager or administrator. Click the check box next to any user's name to add/remove the authorization to view all site names and numbers for your agency.

The third reports shows all surveys assigned to the land manager.


SiteNamePrivileges (last edited 2008-07-23 20:17:20 by GerryHaase)