Status Report


The Status Report has two functions. First, it displays the user's access to all the surveys within the DigitalRockArt database and the level of completion of each survey. Second, it enables the creation and editing of Status Reports for a survey.


The first page displays the status or level of completion of all surveys within the Digital Rock Art database.

The first column of the Status Report, Recorder, is the recorder's name or the survey security status. The Recorder column will contain either a Recorder's Name, be blank, "Available" or "In Use".

The Site name column contains the name of the site. This will be blank if you are not authorized to view the site name.

The Survey Date column contains the start date of the survey.

The Area column contains the latitude and longitude of the site rounded to 1 degree.

The Site Number column contains the number of the site. This will be blank if you are not authorized to view the site name.

The Surveyed By column contains the initials of the survey team members. This will be blank if you are not authorized to view the site name.

The Total number of Images is the number of images included in the survey.

The Total number of Panels is the number of panels recorded for the survey.

The Total number of Elements is the number of elements recorded for the survey.

Non zero values in the last three columns indicates the amount of work remaining.

The Categorize Queue is the number of images that have not been assigned to an Image Category.

The Identify Queue is the number of images that have been categorized as rock art but have not had Rock Art elements identified.

The Element Queue is the number of elements that have been identified but have not been assigned General and Rock Art Class specific attributes.

Hyperlinks include: Area (see ShowMaps).


The second page displays the Survey Report or templates that may be used for the creation of a report.

Surveys with site reports that you may access have blue Ref Nbrs that are hyperlinks to the survey report in the wiki. Clicking the Ref Nbr will open a new window that will display the survey report. Survey reports are public documents that may be edited by anyone with an authorized logon ID.

If you see "Create" after the Ref Nbr, then you are authorized to update the survey, but no survey report has been written. If you are ready to create the survey report, click Create and choose the SurveyReportTemplate.

Follow the instructions within the template to begin editing your report. Within the status report you may create headers, text, footnotes and include images from the database. At the end of the status report, you may include a table that compares the rock art element counts for the survey against all other surveys on the database. This table is automatically updated as new recordings are entered.

If editing or creating a survey report, be sure to Save Changes before closing the wiki.

StatusReport (last edited 2008-07-04 21:35:13 by RogerHaase)