Xplorer2 Setup From CD

Insert the CD-ROM into your drive. If your PC has the auto-notify option on, Windows will open a small window defaulting to an option to "Open folder to view files using Windows Explorer" -- click the OK button. If the auto-notify option is not on, you will have to start Windows Explorer manually.

Using Windows Explorer, navigate to the the Xplorer2 folder on the CD-ROM. First, double-click xplorer2_lite_setup.exe to install Xplorer2. Follow the installation instructions and click Agree, OK, Next as required. If Xplorer2 starts automatically at the end of the installation process, close it so the help documentation can be installed.

To install the Xplorer2 documentation, go to the Windows Explorer window and copy the file x2docs.pdf to the folder where Xplorer2 was installed -- usually C:\Program Files\zabkat\xplorer2_lite.

Start Xplorer2 by double-clicking on the X2 icon. A copyright warning message will appear. Turn this off by clicking the checkbox and the OK button.


Next a Tip of the day message will appear. Read the tip and click the close button.


The default view of Xplorer is dual pane mode. Dual pane mode shows the contents of two folders plus a folder tree on the left hand side. Dual panes is not helpful for sorting images, so turn this option off by clicking on the View menu selection and then clicking on the Dual Pane option to turn it off.


Because of the dual pane feature, Xplorer2 has a quirk that forces you to select a pane before setting the pane style, even though the dual pane feature is turned off and there is only one pane displayed. Click anywhere in the right side pane and then click on the menu View tab and select Pane Style, Details.


The result is a display similar to the classic view of Windows Explorer as it was under Windows/98. Use the left hand folder tree to navigate to a folder that has images.


To see the images as thumbnails, click anywhere in the right hand pane to make it the active pane and then click on the menu View tab and select Pane Syle, Thumbnails.


The view will change to show the images as thumbnails. If your image files are over 2,000,000 bytes, you may not see the images -- this will be fixed in the next step.


The size of the thumbnail images may be changed. To do so, click the Tools menu tab and select Options to open a programs options window. Change the Thumbnail size (pixels) box to 256 or another value of your choice. If you have a camera that creates image files greater than 2,000,000 bytes, change the Thumbnails box under Byte file size limits to 0 or a value larger than any of your image sizes.


To verify the help files were installed correctly, click the Help menu tab and select Contents. A pop-up window will appear and the help file will open with Acrobat Reader.

Xplorer2SetupFromCd (last edited 2008-02-11 20:49:35 by localhost)