Categorize Images


The Categorize Images function enables the user to assign each image in a survey to an Image Category or type. For Rock Art, additional panel information may be entered.


The first page displays a list of surveys that you have authority to update and have images in the categorization queue.

Hyperlinks include: Area (see ShowMaps).

To continue, select a survey by clicking on the Ref Nbr of a survey.

The second page will display the first image in the categorization queue in a medium size. The row of small images at the bottom of the screen is a display of the next images in the queue.

"Image Category"
The Image Category defaults to Rock Art. If the image is not Rock Art, click on the appropriate Image Category. If Rock Art is not selected as the Image Category, then only the Image Comments field described below may be entered. All other fields apply only to Rock Art.

If you do not understand the meaning of an Image Category, click on Image Category. A window will open displaying the Image Category choices and a brief definition of each. Close the window by clicking on the Close button in the upper right hand corner.

"Rock Art Panel Information"
If Rock Art is clicked as the Image Category, you must enter a Cluster Number and a Panel Letter. There may be multiple panels in a cluster and there may be multiple images for a panel. An important role of this function is to properly group all of the rock art panel images by cluster and panel.

"Get Panel Data"
If there are multiple images for the panel and the panel data for the current panel has already been entered, you may click the Get Panel Data button to load the previously entered panel data into the form fields. If you know the existing panel data is correct and you do not wish to overwrite it, do not enter any data into the Panel Attributes, Optional Topography Measurements or Optional Panel Measurements fields.

"Measured Length"
For Rock Art, if you can indicate any measured length within the image, enter the Measured Length and click the two end points on the image ("+"s will appear to indicate the end points). Use of the Measured Length field will enable the application to estimate the size of any elements later identified on this image and display a scale on the image. If you have measured each individual element's height and width in the field, you will be able to enter and override the calculated height and width of the element in Define Rock Art Element Attributes function.

"Image Comments"
Use the Image Comments field to note features on the image that are not obvious. These comments will become part of the caption displayed below the image. The maximum length is 255 characters.

"Image Date-Time:"
The Image Date and Time field displays from the EXIF data the date and time the image was taken. If the camera was not correctly set, the date and/or time display may be modified. The EXIF data is not changed.

"Panel Attributes"
There are three types of attributes in the DRA application for Rock Art, the first being Panel Attributes. If you do not understand the meaning of a Panel Attributes, click on Panel Attributes. A window will open displaying a definition of Panel Attributes. If you do not understand the meaning of any of the panel attribute sets e.g. Cluster Type, Importance, Condition, etc., scroll down or click on the panel attribute set in the Table of Contents. A definition of the panel attribute set including whether it is single or multiple choice, the Panel Attribute set choices with a brief definition of each and in some cases, the option to view Example uses of the attribute, will be displayed. Close the window by clicking on the Close button in the upper right hand corner.

Columns of panel attributes sets are displayed beneath the medium image. Click on the appropriate attribute in each panel attribute set.

"Optional Topography Measurements"
Optionally enter Topography Measurements e.g. Origin (Datum or Cluster/Panel), Distance from Origin, etc. from the DigitalRockArt Recording Form. If you enter the topography, the application will generate a topography chart.

"Optional Panel Measurements"
Optionally enter the Panel Measurements e.g. Facing, Inclination, etc. from the DigitalRockArt Recording Form.

"Next in Queue"
Review the Next in Queue images. For Rock Art, if any images are of the same Cluster and Panel, click the Same Panel box. For any other image category, click the Same Panel box if the images are of the same image category. After you click Submit, all images clicked Same Panel will be updated. Note that clicking the Same Panel boxes bypasses the possibility of entering a measured length for any of the checked images.

Once you click on the Submit button, the data you entered with be added to the DigitalRockArt database and the next image(s) in the queue will appear. If you realize you forgot a field or entered an erroneous value, do not use the browser back button to go back to the previous page and try to correct the data. The application will detect an attempt to duplicate data and you will be directed to the menu with a warning message. There will be other opportunities to correct the data later.

Hyperlinks include: Image Category, Panel Attributes, Image ID, RGB (see ImageCategories, PanelAttributes, ImageCaptions).


CategorizeImages (last edited 2008-07-10 19:43:08 by GerryHaase)