Check Attribute Set


The Check Attribute Set function allows the user to review and update the attribute sets of recorded elements. The function is used to monitor consistency and completeness in recording the elements.


The first page displays a list of surveys you have the authority to review and update.

Hyperlinks include: Area (see ShowMaps).

To continue, select a survey by clicking on the Ref Nbr of a survey.

The second page will display a table of the Panel, General and Rock Art Class attribute sets used in the recording of the chosen survey. The number appearing after Panel is the total number of panels in the survey. The number appearing after General is the total number of elements in the survey. The number of elements within each rock art class is displayed after the rock art class name.

To continue, select an attribute set by clicking on the name of the attribute set.

The third page will display the cropped elements for the attribute set chosen. The element images are sorted in sequence by the attribute choices with elements having no attributes first.

Hyperlinks include: Rock Art Class, Element ID, Cluster, Panel, Element (see ElementCaptions), Prior, page number, Next (see PageNumbers).

You may add or delete any attributes by clicking the appropriate check box. Clicking the Submit button updates the database and displays the next page of cropped element images if there is one. If there is no next page, Submit will update the database, sort all elements by the new attribute values and display the first page of the cropped element images.

Definitions for all attribute sets may be found by following the links from the DraAttributes page.


CheckAttributeSet (last edited 2008-07-06 16:01:20 by GerryHaase)