Check Element Pixels


The Check Element Pixels function creates five reports to aid photographers in ensuring each rock art element has been captured in sufficient detail to meet the design goals of the DigitalRockArt application. As a general goal, each cropped element should have 250 to 1000 pixels of resolution on the longest dimension. These are general goals and every survey is expected to have elements that fall outside of this range.


The first page displays a list of surveys on the database.

Hyperlinks include: Area (see ShowMaps).

To continue, select a survey by clicking on the Ref Nbr of a survey.

The second page displays the five reports.

"Element Pixel Report - Sorted by Maximum of Width or Height"
The first report displays one line per element including: Maximum resolution (either width or height), Pixel Width of the element, Pixel Height of the element, Cluster Number, Panel Letter, Element Number, Rock Art Class, File Name, Image ID, Image Pixel Width and Height and Megapixel for the image. All of the elements are sorted by their maximum resolution (either width or height). Elements under 250 pixels or over 1,000 pixels wide or high are highlighted in red.

Hyperlinks include: Cluster, Panel, Element (see ElementCaptions).

"Image Pixel Report - Sorted by Average Maximum Side"
The second report displays one line per image including: Average Maximum Side of elements on the panel, Nbr of elements cropped Too Small (having a width or height <250 pixels), Nbr of elements cropped OK (elements cropped in range having both width and height 250 to 1000 pixels), Nbr of elements cropped Too Big (number of elements cropped having width or height > 1000 pixels), Cluster, Panel, File Name, Image ID, Image Pixel Width and Megapixels. If a second visit to the site is planned, the photographer may use this as a guide to determine which panels need to be photographed again.

Hyperlinks include: Cluster, Panel (see ElementCaptions).

"Cross Reference Tables"
The third report is a cross reference of Image ID to File Name and File Name to Image ID.

"Panels Grouped by Facing"
The fourth report is a grouping of panels by facing direction i.e. north, northeast, east, southeast, etc. south including the Cluster Number, Panel Letter, Facing, Inclination and number of Elements. This information may be helpful when returning to a site to take additional photos. The groupings may indicate best lighting conditions, e.g. morning sun, afternoon sun.

"Number of Images by Date"
The fifth report summarizes the number of images in the survey by date and size.


CheckElementPixels (last edited 2011-09-23 22:28:00 by RogerHaase)