Compare Surveys By Attributes


The Compare Surveys by Attribute function is used to compare Rock Art Class attributes from multiple surveys and highlight those attributes that have elements common to multiple surveys or unique to a single survey. One usage of this function is to compare rock art sites that are thought to have been occupied by the same cultures and verify there are no unexpected differences in rock art styles.

A second usage of this function is to compare two sites thought to have been occupied by different cultures and identify differences in rock art styles.


The first page displays a list of surveys on the database. Select two or more surveys by clicking on the corresponding check boxes.

Hyperlinks include: Area(ShowMaps).

To continue, click the Submit button.

The second page displays a list of Rock Art Classes with the Number of Elements in each Rock Art Class. Select one or more Rock Art Classes by clicking the corresponding check boxes or none for all classes.

To continue, click the Submit button.

The third page displays the two reports.

"Common Attributes"
The Common Attributes report displays attributes common to two or more of the selected surveys. Click on any attribute to display images of the cropped elements.

"Unique Attributes"
The Unique Attributes report shows attributes present in only one survey, grouped by survey. Click on any attribute to display the images of the cropped elements.

Hyperlinks include: Rock Art Element Attributes (RockArtClasses).

The fourth page is accessed by clicking on one of the element attribute hyperlinks. The example below shows three sites that have elements recorded as thunderbirds.

Hyperlinks include: Element ID, Cluster, Panel, Element (see ElementCaptions), Prior Page, Next Page, Prior, page number, Next (see PageNumbers).


CompareSurveysByAttributes (last edited 2008-07-23 22:18:47 by RogerHaase)