Search by Attributes


The Search by Attributes function searches all selected surveys and displays the rock art elements with attributes matching the selected criteria.


The first page displays a table of all the Rock Art Classes and the Number of Elements recorded in each Rock Art Class.

To continue, click on a Rock Art Class.

The second page displays the General Attributes and the Rock Art Class Specific Attributes for the rock art class selected. In the example below, some of the anthropomorphic attributes are shown.

The column of check boxes or radio buttons to the left of each attribute are element attributes wanted in the selection criteria. You may select any number of attributes by clicking on the attribute's check box or radio button.

The columns of check boxes to the right of each attribute under the Not heading are element attributes not wanted in the selection criteria. You may select any number of attributes not wanted. The number to the left of the Not check box is the number of elements in the database recorded with this attribute.

Check boxes are multiple choice, radio buttons are single choice within an attribute set. Radio buttons can not be clicked to remove its selection. Therefore, the first option of a radio button set is No Answer that disables the selection.

The selection process is a logical AND. Each element selected will have all the selected attributes (left column) and will not have any of the attributes selected under the Not column (right column).

Note there is a check box for the chosen rock art class in the upper left corner on the page. Rock art classes are also attributes, so if no additional boxes are selected, a search for all elements in the rock art class would be requested. It is possible to search across all rock art classes by unchecking the rock art class attribute. This action, however, makes the element counts incorrect, as the numbers displayed apply to the current rock art class. Only general attributes may be selected within a criteria to search across all classes.

Hyperlinks include: General Attributes, Rock Art Class Attributes (see GeneralAttributes, RockArtClasses).

To continue, click the Submit button.

The third page displays a list of all the surveys that have elements matching the selection criteria. You may select any number of surveys by clicking the survey's corresponding check box or none to select all the surveys.

Hyperlinks include: Area (see ShowMaps).

To continue, click the Submit button.

The fourth page displays the cropped elements that match the selection criteria. The elements are displayed in survey, cluster, panel and element number sequence.

Hyperlinks include: Element ID, RGB, Cluster, Panel, Element (see ElementCaptions), Prior, page number, Next (see PageNumbers).


SearchByAttributes (last edited 2008-07-10 21:09:22 by GerryHaase)