Update Notebook Entry


The Update Notebook Entry function allows the user to add or update an entry in a notebook.

Entry Points

The Update Notebook Entry function can be started from any page that displays images or cropped elements by clicking on the Image ID or the Element ID hyperlink.


Clicking on the Image ID or Element ID will open the Update Notebook Entry sub-function in a popup window.

If the user has defined multiple notebooks, the most recently used notebook is displayed by default. A different notebook can be chosen using the Notebook drop-down box. If the image or element has been previously added to the target notebook, the existing data is shown and may be updated. In the example below, a new entry is being added to an "Errors" notebook with a reminder to take this photo over in better light.


UpdateNotebookEntry (last edited 2011-11-11 14:45:03 by RogerHaase)