Define Rock Art Element Attributes


The Define Rock Art Element Attributes function serves a dual purpose. The top section of the page allows the user to fine tune the element's cropping, patina selection, change the element's size, Rock Art Class or enter comments. The bottom section allows the user to assign General Attributes and Class Specific Attributes to each element.


The first page displays a list of surveys that you have the authority to update and have images in the define attribute queue.

Hyperlinks include: Area (see ShowMaps).

To continue, select a survey by clicking on the Ref Nbr of a survey.

The Define Rock Art Element Attributes page is a long page with each section having a row of control buttons.

Top Section

"Update element measurements and comments."
On the left is the original image. A frame outlines a cropped element on the image. To the right, the cropped element is displayed. The caption shows the cropped element image width and height in pixels. If you entered a measured length in the Categorize Images function, the estimated cropped width and height in meters will also be displayed.

If the pecked, natural patina or secondary pecked areas were clicked in the Identify Rock Art Elements function, each area will be identified by a small square with a dot in the middle on the cropped image. To the right of the cropped element there will be a small display with fat pixels. These represent nine individual pixels from the original image at the pecked, natural patina and secondary pecking areas at 20x magnification. Beneath the fat pixels are the average red, green and blues values for the nine pixels and their total value. A red-green-blue value of 0-0-0 is black, a value of 255-255-255 is white, a value of 255-0-0 is red, etc.

"Select option below, click on image, then click Update button"
Below the cropped element are two radio buttons. One to Revise pecked, natural, secondary pecked points and the other to Revise corners for cropped element.

Revised pecked, natural, secondary pecked areas -- If any of the fat pixels for the pecked, natural or secondary pecking areas are not relatively uniform in color, it is best to reselect the areas. Revision of the pecked, natural or secondary pecking areas is done on the cropped element. Click Revised pecked, natural, secondary pecked areas, then click the cropped element once to identify a primary pecked area, a second time to identify an area of natural patina and optionally a third time to identify a area of secondary pecking. Click the Update button to update the database. The page will be redisplayed with the revised pecked, natural and secondary areas.

Revise corners for cropped elements -- Revision of the corners for cropped elements is done on the cropped element. If the cropped element needs to be made larger to revise the corners, first click the Expand Element button as many times as needed to display a usable image. Click the Revise corners for cropped elements button and click twice on the cropped element to identify the revised opposite corners. When you have finished revising the corners, click the Update button to update the database. The page will be redisplayed with the revised cropping.

"Element width in m:"
Enter the element's width in meters if a field measurement was taken.

"Element height in m:"
Enter the element's height in meters if a field measurement was taken.

"Change rock art class:"
The current Rock Art Class for the element is displayed in the drop down box. To change the Rock Art Class for the element, click on the drop down and click on the appropriate Rock Art Class. Click the Update button to update the database. The page will be redisplayed with the revised Rock Art Class.

"Comment or historic text:"
The Comment or historic text area may be used to enter short comments about unusual characteristics of the element that may easily be overlooked. Any historic text such as initials, dates, names, etc. should be entered. After the text has been entered, click the Update button to update the database. The page will be redisplayed with the comments.

Hyperlinks include: Image ID, Element ID, RGB, Cluster, Panel, Element (see ImageCaptions, ElementCaptions).


Bottom Section

Each attribute set has either check boxes (squares) or radio buttons (circles) to the left of the attribute. Attribute sets with check boxes may have 0 to all of the check boxes selected and are called multiple choice. Sets with radio buttons may have 0 or 1 button selected and are called single choice. Once selected, radio button sets can not be undone. Clicking on the No Answer option effectively removes the selection. Select any of the general and class specific attributes that apply to the element by clicking on the corresponding check box or radio button.

"Select element attributes."
There are three types of attributes in the DRA application for Rock Art, the first being Panel Attributes, the second being General Attributes. General Attributes are attributes which apply to all elements. If you do not understand the meaning of a General Attributes, click on General Attributes hyperlink to open a new window displaying the definitions of all the General Attributes.

Columns of general attributes are displayed beside the small cropped element image. Click on the appropriate attributes.

The Rock Art Class Attributes are the third type of attributes in the DRA application for Rock Art. Rock Art Class Attributes are attributes which apply to a specific rock art class. If you do not understand the meaning of a specific Rock Art Class Attribute, click on the hyperlink Geometric Attributes to open a new window displaying the definitions of all the Geometric Attributes.

When all the attributes have been selected, click the Submit button at the bottom of the page.

Hyperlinks include: General Attributes, Rock Art Class specific Attributes (see GeneralAttributes, RockArtClasses).


DefineRockArtElementAttributes (last edited 2008-09-15 17:53:27 by RogerHaase)