Renumber Panels or Elements


The Renumber Panels or Elements function enables the user to renumber clusters, panel letters or elements and to rename image files. This function may be used to make topo charts more usable by renumbering the clusters into a more orderly sequence. This function should be used when a survey is nearly complete and no additional field work is planned.

Renumbering clusters may make it difficult to compare the survey data against the original field recording forms. Should this situation occur, there is a revert operation that will undo the cluster renumbering. The renumbering can be reapplied later.

Renumbering clusters or panels requires that the image file names be changed to match the new cluster numbers. A Rename Image File operation may be used to rename the image files with the revised cluster numbers and panel letters. If there are multiple images for site overviews or a particular panel, the rename file image operation can also be used to fine tune the display sequence of the images on various reports.


The first page displays a list of surveys you have the authority to update.

Hyperlinks include: Area (see ShowMaps).

To continue, select a survey by clicking on the Ref Nbr of a survey.

The second page starts with a display of the topography chart for the survey.

Hyperlinks include: Cluster (see ClusterInformation).

Renumbering Clusters

The topography chart is followed by a table of the current cluster numbers.

To renumber a cluster, enter the new cluster number in the corresponding New Cluster text box (i.e. cluster 17 to 96, 18 to 97, 19 to 98). Clicking the Submit button will update the database and redisplay the page. Messages will appear at the top of the page noting successful renumbering.

At the bottom of the page, a history log will be displayed showing the date, time and from and to changes. This log will always appear at the bottom of the page and any future changes will be appended to the end. To revert the renumbering, click the Revert radio button and click on Submit.

After reverting a renumbering operation, a history log will be displayed showing the date, time and from and to changes. To reapply the renumbering, click the Reapply radio button and click on Submit. If the renumbering operation was done in stages, there may be several revert/reapply radio buttons. Choose the one corresponding to the date appropriate for your situation.

Note the revert or reapply operations will quit with an error message if additional clusters are added after a renumber operation and the new clusters reuse a former cluster number. For example if you renumber cluster 123 to 111 and then add new images to create a new cluster 123, the revert operation will fail because cluster 111 cannot be reverted to 123 because there is a new cluster 123 in the way. For this reason, renumbering clusters should be performed only when a survey is nearly complete and no additional field work is planned.

Renumbering Clusters with Auto Renumber

While small surveys may be easily renumbered as described above, the process becomes more difficult with larger surveys having several secondary datums. The example topo chart shown below is for a survey that has cluster 6 as the primary datum and secondary datums of 22 and 101.

Clicking the Auto Renumber button on the bottom of the page will cause the application to generate new cluster numbers and display a new page with a topo chart showing the suggested cluster number changes.

Underneath the topo chart is a table that may be modified to control the automatic renumbering. The table is organized by grouping all clusters by their origin and sorting the clusters by the bearing from the origin. Per the above topo chart generated by Auto Renumber, the new clusters used as datums and secondary datums are the numbers 1, 4, and 11. In this example, the primary datum is a rock art cluster. In the table below, the first group of clusters consists of only the new cluster 1 having an origin of None. This is because the cluster was not assigned a datum, distance or bearing within the CategorizeImages function. On other surveys, the primary datum may be a Stake, Datum, etc. and there may be multiple clusters used as secondary datums measured from the Stake or Datum.

The second group of clusters in the table below consists of the clusters that use the new cluster 1 as their origin. These are sorted in ascending order by bearing. Looking at the right column of the second group below, notice the new cluster numbers are sequential, except that the sequence 5 - 9 and 12 - 14 are missing. The missing new cluster numbers are shown further down in the 3rd and 4th groups that use new the datum numbers of 4 and 11.

Note the Start Rotation at Degree column defaults to 319 for the group of clusters that use the new cluster number 4 as their origin. The 319 is calculated as the back-bearing for the new cluster 4: 139 + 180 = 319. Looking at the topo chart above, notice the primary datum is one, then 2, 3, and 4 are numbered starting at 1 degrees (north) and rotating clockwise. Cluster 4 is recognized as a secondary datum and the numbering continues (by default) for the clusters that use the new cluster 4 as their origin using the back-bearing of 319 as the starting point and rotating clockwise. The sequence around the new cluster 4 ends at 9, and the sequence continues around the new cluster 1 at 10 and 11, rotates clockwise around the new cluster 11, then goes back to the new cluster 1 to complete the sequence from 15 to 25.

For this example, the default numbering scheme will be changed in 3 ways. First, instead of rotating around the new cluster 1 starting at degree 1, we want to renumber the new number 19 to 2. As shown in the revised table below, this can be accomplished by changing the Start Rotation at Degree column for the new cluster 1 to 295 degrees. Second, the new clusters 4 and 11 are to be numbered to 101 and 201 respectively. This is accomplished by editing the table and setting the Force New Datum Number column to 101 and 201 respectively. Third, the clusters using the new 4 and 11 as origins are to be numbered sequentially starting with 102 and 202 respectively. This is accomplished by editing the table and setting the Force Next Cluster Number To column to 102 and 202 respectively. The changes to the table are shown below.

After entering the changes in the above table and clicking the Auto Renumber button, the application will display the page showing the revised topo chart below. You may continue to modify the table and click Auto Renumber until satisfactory results are received. Click the Submit button to save the changes.

Revising Panel Letter or Renumbering Elements

To revise panel letters or element numbers, return to the second page and click on the Old Cluster Number of the panel to be revised.

The third page displays all of the Panel Images and Panel Topography information associated with the selected cluster number.

Hyperlinks include: Image ID, RGB, Cluster, Panel (see ElementCaptions).

To revise a panel letter, enter the new panel letter in the corresponding Panel Letter text box.

The cluster images are followed by a table of the current element numbers.

Hyperlinks include: Image ID, RGB, Element (see ElementCaptions).

Checking the Suggest new element number checkbox and clicking the Submit button will display application generated suggestions for renumbering the elements. The application will renumber the elements starting in the upper left most element and renumber left to right, top to bottom.

To revise an element number, enter the new element number in the corresponding Element Number text box.

Clicking the Submit button will update with the database and redisplay the page.

At the bottom of the page, a history log will be displayed showing the date, time and from and to changes. This log will always appear at the bottom of the page and any future changes will be appended to the end.

Rename Image Files

Clicking on the Rename Files button on page 2, will display a fourth page with all the images for the survey in a small size with the current file and application generated suggested file names beneath each image.

Hyperlinks include: Image ID, RGB, Cluster, Panel, Element (see ElementCaptions).

It is important that the image files be renamed to match the cluster number/panel lettering renumbering so that the Rock Art Inventory CD-ROMs will have file names matching the cluster number/panel letters. You should review any panels with multiple images to insure that the images are displayed in your preferred order. If you wish to change the display sequence of site overviews, cluster overviews, or panels with multiple images, change the file names so they will sort in your preferred sequence.

Note: The new file names are placed into a queue that is processed overnight. To avoid confusion, you should avoid using the File Upload function to replace images until the next day.

Clicking the Submit button will update with the database and redisplay the page.

At the bottom of the page, a history log will be displayed showing the date, time and from and to changes. This log will always appear at the bottom of the page and any future changes will be appended to the end. The Status column will change from Queued to Completed when processing is complete.

Renumbering may be done anytime during the recording process but should be done only after images for all panels have been entered into the database. The best time to renumber is just before printing and distributing reports and before the creation of a Rock Art Inventory CD-ROM. After renumbering, archive your original recording forms and rely upon the application generated reports to avoid confusion. Should you need to carry paper back to the field to audit the recorded data, the topography charts and survey recaps generated by the application will provide the required information.


RenumberPanelsOrElements (last edited 2008-10-05 22:40:25 by RogerHaase)