Survey Recap


The Survey Recap function displays all of the recorded data of a survey for detailed review. The report is presented in a format intended for printing in landscape mode. One usage of this report is as a hard copy report to be taken to the site to audit the recording. If individual measurements of each element's width and height are to be made, a return visit to the site with this report may be the most practical way of performing the measurements because the elements are numbered and can be easily located.


The first page displays a list of surveys on the database.

Hyperlinks include: Area (see ShowMaps).

To continue, select a survey by clicking on the Ref Nbr of a survey.

The second page will display a table of the Cluster Numbers and Number of Panels recorded for the cluster.

Select one or more clusters by clicking the corresponding cluster check boxes or none for all clusters. There are two report selections.

"Panel Detail"
The Panel Detail button will display the Panel Topography, Panel Attributes, all images associated with the panel and the number of elements by Rock Art Class. The element numbers displayed on the images indicate the location of elements recorded on the panel.

Hyperlinks include: Image ID (see ImageCaptions), Prior, page number, Next (see PageNumbers).

"Element Detail"
The Element Detail button will display the Panel Topography, Panel Attributes, all images associated with the panel, the number of elements by Rock Art Class, all the Cropped Elements with estimated or measured sizes, attributes and comments recorded. The element numbers displayed on the images indicate the location of elements recorded on the panel.

Hyperlinks include: Image ID, Element ID (see ImageCaptions, ElementCaptions), Prior, page number, Next (see PageNumbers).

If there are many images and elements, there may be a short delay while all the images are downloaded. At the low monitor resolution e.g. 800 x 600, there will be a horizontal scroll bar because the report has been designed for printing, not display.


SurveyRecap (last edited 2008-07-04 16:37:12 by GerryHaase)