Update Elements from Notebook


The Update Elements from Notebook function enables the user to update rock art elements that have been collected in a notebook.

Before the Update Elements from Notebook function may be used, a notebook must be created to collect cropped elements that require further review or correction. Element entries added to the notebook may include a comment such as missing attributed, wrong class, cropping too tight, etc. Although notebooks may contain images from all image categories, only cropped elements from surveys you have the authority to update may be updated with this function.

If the notebook contains elements from a survey you are not authorized to update, you will need to contact the survey's authorized user so that he may make a copy of your notebook and review the elements in question. An easy way to do this is to place a note in the survey report pointing to the name of your notebook. The authorized user of the survey must make a copy of your notebook before proceeding.

For more information on notebook operations, see the Show Notebook function.


The first page will display two options and a list of your notebooks. Select a processing option by clicking on the corresponding radio button.

To select a notebook, click on the notebook's corresponding radio button.

To continue, click the Submit button.

The second page displays a notebook entry at the top with the element captions on the right side.

Hyperlinks include: Rock Art Class, Image ID, RGB, Element ID, Cluster, Panel and Element (see ImageCaptions, ElementCaptions).

The remainder of the page is identical to the second page of the Define Rock Art Element Attributes function. You may revise the pecked, natural and secondary pecked areas, the element cropping, the element size or class, comments or attributes.

For more information, see the Define Rock Art Element Attributes function.

If notebook entries contain any images other than cropped elements, a message indicating they were skipped will be displayed on the first page. If the notebook contains entries of elements from surveys you are not authorized to update, the entries will be skipped as they are encountered and an informative message will be displayed on the next page.


UpdateElementsFromNotebook (last edited 2008-07-10 20:27:52 by GerryHaase)