192 Pixels Wide Images
All of the images below are named wXXXqYY where XXX is the pixel width of the image and YY is the JPG compression quality. Lower compression quality numbers represent lower quality images and have faster download times.
Here is the same image at a quality of 10, 20, 40, and 75. The download sizes of these images are 2k, 3k, 4k, and 6k respectively. The recommended small image size for a DSL or Cable user with a monitor 1024 pixels wide is w192q40.JPG.
You can check the exact image size by right-clicking the image and choosing properties.
w192q10.jpg w192q20.jpg
w192q40.jpg w192q75.jpg
640 Pixels Wide Images
Here is the same image at a quality of 10, 20, 40, and 75. The download sizes of these images are 12k, 21k, 35k, and 63k respectively. The recommended medium image size for a DSL or Cable user with a monitor 1024 pixels wide is w640q40.JPG.
832 Pixels Wide Images
Here is the same image at a quality of 10, 20, 40, and 75. The download sizes of these images are 20k, 36k, 60k, and 108k respectively. The recommended large image size for a dial-up user with a monitor 1024 pixels wide is w832q40.JPG.
Here is a link back to ImageQualityComparison.