Historic Attributes
The attribute sets and attributes for the above class are described below. Minor edits which enhance the current definitions should be made directly to the text. Major changes or revisions which change the attribute words should follow the directions at the bottom of this page under Proposed Changes.
Historic Writing
Multiple choice. Note that historic is defined as prior to 1950. Anything after 1950 is considered graffiti.
Examples for Historic.Historic Writing
- Date
- A date in any format.
- Initials
- Usually two or three letters, sometimes with periods following the letters.
- Marker
- Numbers, letters, or a combination usually indicating a boundary such as those used for mining claims.
- Name
- A person's first or last name, or both.
- Organization
- Any indication of an organization such as military, etc.
- Place Name
- The name of a city, state, etc. usually found in conjunction with a person's initials or name indicating his origin.
- Words
- Any words, phrases, poems, etc. not fitting into the categories above.
Historic Drawings
Single choice. All historic drawings made by white immigrants or their descendants are described here with little detail and should not be classified using the normal classes.
Examples for Historic.Historic Drawings
- Anthropomorphic
- Human like.
- Cross
- Christian cross religious symbol. This is usually drawn with the lower vertical segment longer than the other segments.
- Geometric
- Geometric designs that are not crosses or swastikas.
- Equestrian
- Man on horse.
- Heart
- Heart or heart with arrow.
- Livestock Brands
- Cattle brands may include letters and geometrics.
- Phytomorphic
- Plants and flowers.
- Swastika
- WW II German emblem or ancient religious symbol.
- Zoomorphic
- Animal like.
- Other
- Any historic drawings not fitting one of the above classifications.
Date Range
Single choice. If the element is or includes a date, select a date range. Elements with dates after 1949 should be recorded as vandalism.
Examples for Historic.Date Range
- Before 1800
- Any date before 1800.
- Before 1860
- Any date between 1800 and 1859, inclusive.
- 1860s
- 1860 through 1869.
- 1870s
- 1870 through 1879.
- 1880s
- 1880 through 1889.
- 1890s
- 1890 through 1899.
- 1900s
- 1900 through 1909.
- 1910s
- 1910 through 1919.
- 1920s
- 1920 through 1929.
- 1930s
- 1930 through 1939.
- 1940s
- 1940 through 1949.
Domestic Animal
Single choice.
Examples for Zoomorphic.Quadruped-Domestic
- Chicken
- Any foul animal.
- Cow or Bull
- Cow or bull.
- Dog
- Pet dog.
- Donkey
- Donkey
- Goat
- Goat
- Horse
- Horse
- Mule
- Mule.
- Sheep
- Sheep.
Multiple choice. Equipment used on horses, mules, and other domestic animals. Multiple choice.
Examples for Zoomorphic.Tack
- Blanket
- Saddle blanket.
- Brand
- Brand mark on rear leg or side.
- Bridle
- Bridle.
- Saddle
- Saddle.
Proposed Changes
If you have suggestions which add, delete, combine attributes or change the word used to define an attribute, then please copy the entire current attribute set definition above, including the attribute set heading to the end of this page and edit your copy. If you wish to make a comment below your improved version (or someone else's improved version), add a horizontal rule and then your comment.
Minor changes in agreement with the someone's proposed changes should be made directly to the text, competing versions should be documented as complete revised copies including the heading.
To add a new attribute set, create it exactly as it should appear. For suggestions on sequence changes, create an appropriate heading below and add a comment. For other types of changes, innovate.
All documentation should be written for the target audience of volunteer rock art recorders.