Rock Art Inventory
The Rock Art Inventory is a copy of the recorded data and images for one or more surveys extracted from the DigitalRockArt database. The distribution of the Rock Art Inventory to the land manager or owner and recording team is intended to be archival documentation that is independent of the DigitalRockArt web application.
The survey data and images are formatted into web pages and copied to DVD optical media or USB Flash Memory (Jump Drive). Except for printed output, the Rock Art Inventory is always viewed using a browser.
The Rock Art Inventory may be viewed with current versions of Internet Explorer, Firefox, Safari, Chrome, Opera, and Konqueror. If you encounter problems accessing the data or your browser is warning that it blocked a pop-up window, check the Browser Settings section below.
Accessing the Reports
To start the Rock Art Inventory, insert the DVD into a drive or the jump drive into a USB port. If the auto insert notification feature is active on your system, the starting window or an "Autoplay" popup will appear in a few seconds. If the Autoplay popup appears, choose "Run Start_DigitalRockArt.html". If the starting window does not appear, use your Windows Explorer to view the contents of the DVD or jump drive. Double-click Start_DigitalRockArt.html in the root folder to open a window with your default browser.
The first page is a copy of this page. The Rock Art Inventory may be copied to a web server and viewed via the Internet. If you are viewing this document from the internet, then the comments that refer to DVDs or jump drives do not apply.
If you want printed output or prefer viewing only the survey reports in a PDF viewer, then review printing survey reports.
The following information is applicable after you begin to view the Rock Art Inventory pages. The upper right corner has the Survey list. To change surveys, click the survey of your choice.
The upper left-hand corner has the Menu Choices for the reports; click the report of your choice:
- Survey Report - a narrative summarizing unusual or interesting features.
- All Elements - all the cropped elements recorded in the survey.
- All Images - all the digital images included in the survey.
- Topo Chart - a chart and summary table of the topography data.
- Panel Report - the detail data for all the panels recorded.
- Element Report - the detail data for all the elements recorded.
- Survey Recap - all data by panel.
All of the reports have hyperlinks that will open new popup windows when clicked. These new windows may have additional hyperlinks that will open more new windows. All popup windows will have a Close button fixed in the upper right corner of the page. Some popups may have another Close button at the bottom. The intended use of these popup windows is for you to view the information and then close the window.
All small images and cropped element images within the Survey Reports, All Elements, All Images and Survey Recap reports are hyperlinks. If a small image is clicked, a larger image will open in a new window. Some images that are Site Overviews or Cluster Overviews may have cluster numbers or panel letters overlaid on the image. When viewing the large image that has been opened in a new window, holding the mouse pointer near a cluster number will change the pointer icon to a hand pointer. Clicking the cluster number with the hand pointer will open a new window showing additional cluster data. Cluster numbers overlaying an image may be hidden by clicking the Hide Annotation button. If the DVD was generated with the option to include full resolution digital images, there will be a Zoom In button that will show the full-sized image with scroll bars. In the upper left corner are left and right arrow buttons that will display the prior and next images.
Holding your mouse pointer over the rock art class (Anthropomorphic, Geometric, etc.) will cause a tooltip window to appear. The tooltip window lists the attributes recorded for the element. The tooltip will disappear if the mouse pointer is moved off of the rock art class. There is a similar function for Rock Art panel images that will show the panel's attributes. Clicking on an element's Cluster Number, Panel Letter or Element Number will open new windows that show additional related images and data.
At any time, double-clicking in a margin or blank space will scroll to the top of the page.
Survey Report
The Survey Report images are hyperlinks and the caption has a rollover function:
- Clicking any image will open a larger image in a new window.
- Placing the mouse pointer on the rock art class name below an element or the Rock Art image category below an image will display a popup tooltip with the element or panel attributes, respectively.
Topo Chart
The Topo Chart has two hyperlinks:
- Cluster Number: a hyperlink that will open a new window displaying images and data.
- Rock Art Class: a hyperlink located within the headings of the tabular data (scroll down below the topo charts) that will display the topo chart with clusters having elements with the selected rock art class highlighted.
Panel Report
The Panel Report has hyperlinks in the Panel Attribute Summary, Panel Detail Topography and the Panel Element Counts by Rock Art Class.
The Panel Attribute Summary has one hyperlink, Number of Panels. Clicking the Number of Panels will open a new window displaying the images for all the panels recorded with the respective attribute.
The Panel Detail Topography Report has three hyperlinks:
- Cluster Number: a hyperlink that will open a new window displaying any overview images where the cluster is annotated, all images for the panels of the cluster, and the panel topography, rock art class recap and panel attributes for each panel.
- Number Images: a hyperlink that will open a new window displaying all the images for the panel and the panel topography, rock art class recap and panel attributes for the panel.
- Number Elements: a hyperlink that will open a new window displaying all the images for the panel and cropped elements.
The Panel Element Counts by Rock Art Class has one hyperlink, rock art class. Clicking the Number of Elements under a rock art class will open a new window displaying the cropped elements of the rock art class for the panel.
Element Report
The Element Report has hyperlinks in the Element Attribute Summary and the Element Detail Report.
The Element Attribute Summary has two hyperlinks:
- Rock Art Class: A hyperlink that will open a new window displaying all the cropped elements for the rock art class.
- Number Elements: a hyperlink that will open a new window displaying all the cropped elements with the respective attribute.
The Element Detail Report has three hyperlinks:
- Cluster: this is a hyperlink that will display the cluster information and images in a new window.
- Panel: this is a hyperlink that will display the panel information and images in a new window.
- Element: this is a hyperlink that will display all the elements of the panel in a new window.
Attribute Definitions
Rock art elements and panels are assigned multiple attributes as part of the recording process. Attributes are used to describe the design of the element or the condition of an element or panel. If you have Internet access, you may view the detailed definitions for all attributes here: DigitalRockArt attribute definitions and examples.
Full Screen Mode
This application is best viewed in full screen mode. Press the F11 key to minimize the browser's menu, toolbar, address, and status bars. Press the F11 key a second time to return to the normal settings.
A Rock Art Inventory DVD or jump drive may optionally include attachments. To access, look for a folder named _Attachments within the DigitalRockArt folder.
Printed Output
You may print the images or reports by selecting File and then Print or Print Preview from the browser menu bar. Depending upon your browser, your printer, and the report selected for printing, you may have to use the File, Page Setup dialog to set the printer orientation to landscape or portrait and reduce the margins to as little as 0.25 inches.
Printing Survey Reports
A Rock Art Inventory DVD or jump drive may optionally include a PDF formatted file containing a survey report or reports. To access, look for a folder named
within the DigitalRockArt folder. Printing the PDF formatted report will yield better results than printing the survey report using your browser's print function.
These PDF files are very large files and may require many seconds to load.
Printing Images with Captions
A Rock Art Inventory DVD may include images formatted for printing at a commercial photo lab. The formatted images will include captions containing the site name, site number, cluster and panel numbers, comments and a metric scale. To verify, look for a folder named "_CaptionedImagesxxx" where xxx is the print size (such as 4x6). To obtain prints, copy one or more images to a suitable media and take it to a commercial lab (Wal-Mart, Walgreen's, Kitt's, etc.) for prints made with high quality photo printers, inks, and paper. Making color prints on PC printers may be more convenient but probably results in both lesser quality and higher cost per print.
Note that the images are formatted for a particular aspect ratio or size. Attempting to print images created for a 4x6 aspect ratio as 8x10 photos will produce unsatisfactory results.
Browser Settings
In general, the DigitalRockArt application works with the default settings used on all major browsers. Older versions of Microsoft IE may treat content on DVDs or flash drives as being less secure than content downloaded from the internet. Should you encounter a message saying "active content" has been blocked, then check for a browser setting to "Allow active content to run from DVDs on my computer".
Another issue with some browsers is caused by leaving a popup window open, overlaying it with another window, and then clicking a link to reopen an already opened window. In this case, some versions of Firefox will not bring the already opened popup window into focus, so clicking the link has no effect.
Most browsers have a zoom function to increase the size of text and images. While zoomed text retains clarity, zoomed images will always appear fuzzy and out of focus. If you are using this option, best results will be obtained by setting your browser to only zoom text and retain images at their original size.
Requesting a Rock Art Inventory
Rock Art Inventories may be created upon request from land managers or owners and the rock art recording team members. Creation options include the size of images and cropped elements, number of images per page, number of images per row, the JPEG image quality, inclusion of captioned images or original images and choice of DVD optical media or jump drive. Contact for more information.