DigitalRockArt Tutorial
This web site has two related but very different applications. This application, the Wiki, explains the DigitalRockArt application and provides a discussion forum for contributors. These wiki pages contain many hyperlinks to other pages and wiki functions so it is easy for new users to become lost and confused.
A suggestion is to hold down the shift key when clicking any of the hyperlinks to the function topics listed below. This will open the topic in a new window -- read as much or little as you like and then close the window to return to this page and select the next topic of interest.
Functions are choices from the main DigitalRockArt menu. Functions available to recorders and researchers are grouped into the categories of Administration, Recording, and Research. In addition, users with IDs belonging to the administrative or web master groups have access to specialized functions for maintaining the DigitalRockArt server.
Overview - Definitions of terms and navigation tips.
Administrative Functions
Administrative functions are available to both researcher and recorder logon IDs. The most important function for new users to become familiar with is the Image Preferences function.
LogOn explains authentication and authorization techniques used on this web site.
BasicNavigation explains how popup windows are used.
ImagePreferences allow users to change their internet connection speed, image quality and image sizes that best fits their monitor size and personal preferences.
ChangePassword explains how users may change their passwords.
ChangeEmailAddress explains how users may change their email address.
TransferUpdateAuthority explains how users may transfer update authority for one or more surveys to another user.
StatusReport displays all the sites, numbers of images, number of petroglyphs, and the length of the work queues for each step in the recording process.
AttributeReport displays all of the attributes used in DigitalRockArt with the number of times each attribute has been selected.
SiteNamePrivileges (restricted to land managers) enables land managers to authorize additional users to view site names and numbers.
Recording Functions
The recording functions are available to members with a user ID belonging to the recorder group.
The first three functions, Categorize Images, Identify Rock Art Elements, and Define Rock Art Element Attributes must be completed in sequence for new surveys. Use of the remaining functions are optional, but most recorders will make use of them to improve the quality and accuracy of their survey.
CategorizeImages assigns each image in a survey to an Image Category or type such as rock art, pottery, etc. and groups rock art images by panel.
IdentifyRockArtElements identifies rock art elements on the images.
DefineRockArtElementAttributes assigns General Attributes and Class Specific Attributes to each element. In Addition, the element's cropping, patina selection, element size, Rock Art Class or comments related to the element may be changed.
CheckSurveyData requeues or deletes images and adds, changes, or deletes recording entries.
CheckAttributeSet sorts and displays all elements or panel images and the selected attribute set. Attributes may be updated.
CustomizeTopoCharts customizes the topo charts created by the DigitalRockArt application.
Convert UTM to Distance-Bearing provides an easy way to convert UTMs to the distance bearing measurements used by DigitalRockArt.
AnnotateImages place cluster numbers, panel numbers or plain text on top of the images. Cluster and panel numbers create hyper-links to open new windows displaying cluster or panel detail.
RenumberPanelsOrElements renumbers clusters, revises panel letters, renumbers elements and renames image files.
JpgFileUpload uploads new or replacement images.
CheckElementPixels creates six reports to aid photographers. Verifies that each rock art element has been captured in sufficient detail.
UpdateElementsFromNotebook updates rock art elements using a notebook as the list of elements to be processed.
Reports and Research Functions
The Reports functions includes seven functions available to users with recorder level logon IDs. These reports are also included on Rock Art Inventory DVDs.
Survey Reports is a hyperlink into the wiki enabling recorders to write a report describing the findings of the survey.
ShowElementsByClass displays cropped elements for a selected survey from one or more rock art classes.
ShowImagesByCategory displays images for a selected survey from one or more image categories.
ShowTopoCharts displays the topo charts generated for a selected survey.
PanelReports displays five reports for the selected survey. Panel facing and inclination reports are displayed in tabular and graphic form. Panel attributes, detail topography and element counts by rock art class reports are displayed in tabular reports.
ElementReports displays four reports for the selected survey. Elements by rock art class and element sizing reports are displayed in tabular and graphic form. Element attributes and detail element data are displayed in tabular reports.
SurveyRecap displays for the survey selected, cluster or panel level data with thumb nail images.
The Research Section contains eight search, comparison and report functions available to users with research-level logon IDs. An ninth function, ShowNotebook, is available to all users.
SearchByAttributes searches all selected surveys and displays the rock art elements with attributes matching the selected criteria.
SearchForElementCoincidence searches all selected surveys for clusters or panels that have two to five rock art elements matching the attributes selected.
SearchElementComments searches, in all selected surveys, the Comment or historical text field, for element comments that match the search text.
CompareSurveyStats compares (displays) number of elements and the percent of elements by rock art class for the surveys selected.
CompareSurveys compares cropped elements by selected surveys and rock art class.
CompareSurveysByAttributes compares rock art class attributes from multiple surveys and highlight those attributes that have elements common to multiple surveys or unique to a single survey.
SliceAndCompareSurveysByAttributes is similar to CompareSurveysByAttributes, but first divides the elements within one or more surveys into groups using the attributes of a selected attribute set. These groups of elements are then analyzed for attributes that are common to multiple groups or unique to a single group.
ShowElementsByPatina sorts and displays cropped elements for a selected survey by the differences in the color of pecked areas and adjacent natural patina.
ShowNotebook is a research tool allowing users to selectively collect images and cropped elements from any number of surveys as entries in a notebook or work area.
Captions and Lists
This section describes element and image captions, page numbers, and the list of available surveys that are used by many functions.
ElementCaptions describes the captions of elements.
ImageCaptions describes the captions of images.
PageNumbers describe the hyperlinks for reports that have multiple pages.
SurveyList describes several formats and features of survey lists.
Sub-functions are frequently accessed from the research and administrative functions, and occasionally, the recording functions. The most common way to access these functions is by clicking on the blue hyperlinks found within element captions and tables of data. Other ways include clicking on images or buttons. Sub-functions always display additional information in a popup window.
UpdateNotebookEntry is accessed by clicking on an image ID or element ID hyperlink.
AllElementsOfPanel is accessed by clicking on an Element number hyperlink.
PanelInformation is accessed by clicking on a Panel Letter hyperlink.
ClusterInformation is accessed by clicking on a Cluster Number hyperlink.
ElementsWithCommonAttribute is accessed by clicking on an element count hyperlink within the Element Report.
ElementsOfCommonClass is accessed by clicking on an element count hyperlink that is a count total by class within the Panel Report.
PanelElementsByClass is accessed by clicking on an element count hyperlink within the Panel Report.
PanelsWithCommonAttribute is accessed by clicking on an panel count hyperlink within the Panel Report.
ShowJumboImages is accessed by clicking on a small image or cropped element.
ColorLayers is access by clicking on the RGB hyperlink found in the caption beneath most images or elements.
ShowMaps is accessed by clicking on an area (
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CreateSurveyReport is accessed when a recorder clicks a create hyperlink adjacent to a site reference ID.
ShowTopoPopup is accessed by clicking on a button on the search by attributes and element coincidence function pages.
FacingAnalysisPopup is accessed by clicking on a button on the search by attributes function page.
Sub-Function Buttons
The upper right hand corner of all sub-functions will have three buttons. These buttons are locked in position and will not scroll off the top of the window.
Wiki: opens a new window and displays the Wiki page describing the sub-function.
Print: prints the current web page.
Close: closes the window.
Admin Group Functions
These functions are available only to persons with a user ID assigned to the Admin group.
AddUser adds new user IDs to the DRA application.
DeleteUser deletes user IDs.
ResetPassword resets a user's password.
AddSurvey adds a new survey to the DRA application.
DeleteSurvey deletes an existing survey.
EditSurvey edits data created by the Add Survey function.
RequeueElements allows elements with specific attributes to be placed back in the DefineAttributes queue for reprocessing.
AllUsers report showing all users.
CurrentUsers report showing current users.
RecentUsers report showing recent users.
Web Master Functions
These functions are available only to users with a web master ID. The web master maintains the server application and operating system software.
Attribute Count Check performs a check of the database SQL tables and reports errors.
Verify Images verifys the images in the servers file system agree with the SQL tables.
Requeue Elements places all elements of a given class or having a given attribute back into the Define Rock Art Element Attributes queue.
Duplicate Survey duplicates a survey or site; useful for testing or training.
Preview Attribute Changes compares the current attributes to the proposed new attributes and optionally will requeue elements impacted by the changes. This is performed just before loading updated attributes to the SQL tables.
Export Survey dumps all SQL data into a special file within the folder containing the survey images. The counterpart program, Import Survey, has not been written.
Recent SQL Updates provides a report showing who has updated SQL tables within the last week.
Crash provides a traceback and dump when one is needed for debugging or analysis of the application.